In Ergänzung zu den Lehrwerken, mit denen wir in den Kursen arbeiten, bietet das Internet eine Fülle von Seiten, die Sie für die Vor- oder Nachbereitung des Unterrichts nutzen können. Eine Auswahl kommentierter Links zum Fach Englisch finden Sie im Folgenden:
Dictionaries and encyclopaedias
- Oxford learner’s Dictionaries: Official website of the dictionaries we use in class. It offers a lot of extras online.
- Encyclopaedia Britannica: The fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica has several thousand objective articles, biographies, videos, and images.
For writing tasks
- Materialien zum selbstständigen standardorientierten Lernen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe Englisch – Text production (Erweiterte Neuauflage 2018): This material is collection of all the different text types you are required to know for the Klausuren and the written Abiturprüfung.
- Mediation. Ergänzung zu den Materialien zum selbstständigen standardorientierten Lernen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe Englisch – Text production: This material is collection of the different text types required in mediation tasks.
For grammar tasks
- Helpful homepage in German with various explanations and tasks.
Learning vocabulary
- quizlet: We use this free app in several courses to help you with learning new vocabulary.
For readers, listeners and viewers
- The California Distance Learning Project: You can read and listen to news stories e.g. on work, money and health and work on activities (matching pairs, vocabulary, quiz questions) based on the stories. Some stories also include videos.
- BBC Learning English: This platform offers many activities for practice, some relating to current events. It includes videos (all with British accents), quizzes, vocabulary practice, idioms, crosswords etc.
- Voice of America News: Popular resource for learners of English: Listen to “radio” or watch short TV news programmes. The stories are divided into three levels. Texts are recorded in comfortable speed, videos are subtitled.
- British Council: This website offers many podcasts, e.g. “Elementary podcasts”, “UK Culture” or “How to videos” with before/while reading activities, transcripts and many vocabulary and listening exercises. This site also includes tasks on Business English, grammar, games, IELTS exams…
For Facebookers
- Learn English – idioms, phrases, vocab: Very good FB page for learning English with simple examples of spoken English.
- Humans of New York – real people, real stories: A good reading practice! Very popular Facebook page offering many inspiring stories with portraits of ordinary New Yorkers.
- English is Fun: A recommendation given by our students.
For Youtubers
- Mr. Duncan – very funny British teacher. He has over 11 million views. The videos are full of dry British humour and highly educative for many years. There are more than 100 lessons.
- Easy English – video interviews in the streets (a section of Easy Languages): Youtube channel which promotes learning languages without coursebooks, socially, from people in the streets. All videos are 3 – 5 min long and subtitled. People with different accents answer questions like “What do you like about your city”, “How is the nightlife here?”, “What are the people in your city like?”.
- TIP: If you like learning this way, also check: Real English (American interviews) and Luke’s Podcast (London interviews).
Stand: 05.01.2018; ergänzt am 11.01.2019; Quelle: Fachbereich Englisch am Charlotte-Wolff-Kolleg